Industrial and commercial Energy Management Software

Energy is a valuable resource. If you’re seeking to lower your energy costs, increase your competitiveness and comply with statutory requirements, you know that consistent, end-to-end energy management is essential for industrial production.

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Energy Audit

Electricity Consumption of each and every machine and audit of the premise.


Highly qualified and dedicated team to do analysis on historical data.


Flag any faults in real-time indicate what energy-saving measures will solve problem

Smart Algorithm

Electronic Device Recognition based on smart algorithm Capture Device Signature.

Machine Health

We can Identify easily which are the Over Consuming Machines at the click of a mobile button.

Real-Time Data

Real-time information at your fingertips. Monitor consumption trends like Watts, Current, Voltage, PF.

IOT Device

This IOT device makes Wireless communication between hardware & display devices ensure greater flexibility.


Analysis reports on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Highlighted observations in reports for time saving

Energy Audit

Electricity Consumption of each and every machine and audit of the premise.


Highly qualified and dedicated professionals to do analysis on historical data.

Smart Algorithm

Electronic Device Recognition based on smart algorithm and Capture Device Signature.

Machine Health

Know Over Consuming Machines at the click of a button.


Flag any faults in real time and indicate what energy-saving measures will solve the problem


Analysis reports on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Highlighted observations in reports for time saving

Real-Time Data

Real-time information at your fingertips. Continuously monitor the consumption trends like Watts, Current, Voltage, Power Factors, etc.

IOT Device

This IOT device makes Wireless communication between hardware & display devices ensure greater flexibility.

Oneunit Saves Power Cost upto 40%

Oneunit Intelligent analytics & feature like machine health helps Industries, Retail sector, Corporates, reduce their power usage

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Machine Efficiency

Improve machine efficiency by keeping track on your machine use.

Know Wastage

Identify Energy Wastage and time, cause & effects, by comparing with standard requirements of energy consumption.

Action Plan

Get an Action-plan prepared according to consumption pattern to avoid the future losses.

Human Monitoring

Can be used to track people with the Consumption Trend.


Energy Audit

Electricity Consumption of each and every machine and audit of the premise.


Analysis reports on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Highlighted observations in reports for time saving

Machine Health

Know Over Consuming Machines at the click of a button.

Real-Time Data

Real-time information at your fingertips. Continuously monitor the consumption trends like Watts, Current, Voltage, Power Factors, etc.

Oneunit App

Now Your Electrical data is in your hand
Track your energy usage
Get savings opportunities
Receive energy wastage notifications
Make your premise more energy efficient
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    Time of day tariff

    Time of Day (or TOD) tariff is a tariff structure in which different rates are applicable for use of electricity at different time of the day. It means that cost of using 1 unit of electricity will be different in mornings, noon, evenings and nights. This means that using appliances during certain time of the day will be cheaper than using them during other times.
    Time of Day tariff is implemented to reduce consumption of electricity during peak hours. To do this, electricity is made expensive during peak hours so that consumers use less of it.
    >>How can you save electricity during peak hours?
    To save your high energy bill , you can lower your electric bills by waiting for the cheapest time of day to use electricity.
    For example, you can schedule when you run a clothes dryer, start the dishwasher, or charge your electric car around these times. These off-peak hours are usually at nighttime but depend on your utility’s specific rate plan. Utilities offer TOD plans to reduce demand on the electric grid by motivating their customers to reduce electricity use during peak hours

    Machine Health

    Machine condition monitoring is the ability to assess the health of a machine over a period of time. This can include things like its efficiency, since losses in efficiency may indicate an underlying issue. It also includes wear and tear on parts, performance indicators such as output of defective parts, usage statistics, and maintenance statistics.
    Oneunit  provide solution to this problem. you can monitor real time health of machine. The benefits of condition monitoring are plentiful. One major boon of condition monitoring is increasing the longevity of equipment. If a specific parameter is continuously out of expected ranges, especially factors that could severely damage a machine or its components, then underlying issues can be assessed and repaired before a downtime event or long-term, costly damage occurs.

    Vampire Energy

    Devices like televisions, microwaves, scanners, and printers use standby power, even when off. Some chargers continue to pull small amounts of energy, even when plugged in (a good judge of this is if a charger feels warm to the touch). Studies have found that vampire energy loads account for 5-10% of the total electricity in residential homes and accounts for about 1% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.
    An vampire energy is a device that continues to use energy and drain power, even when it is turned off. They lurk in your home, taking the form of phone chargers and cable boxes, computer cords and coffee pots. These phantom energy suckers can account for as much as 20% of your monthly electricity bill.
    >>Take these actions to avoid paying for these vampire energy drainers
    • Unplug electronics, chargers, and appliances when not in use.
    • Set electronics to energy save mode; turn your monitor off when you step out. 
    • Use a power strip to turn all devices off at once


    Production Loss

    The production line runs continuously, but three times a day output falls below the target rate.
    Changing from one shift to another was creating long periods of low or no production. generally this is a three shift operation with shift changes averaging 30 minutes three times per day, this became a costly and destructive routine.

    Changeovers are when inter-shift communication takes place. The outgoing team relates what’s been happening, along with any problems the incoming team needs to know about. The new team takes stock and reviews inventory, maintenance items and housekeeping.
    >>How to reduce production losses
    • Begin with some reading
    • Get a data set of daily production data over a 12 month period
    • Use a power strip to turn all devices off at once
    • Data Analysis
    • Use Cost Benefit analysis to show the reduction in production losses (gains) versus cost.
    • Run production data each quarter and monitor losses and their nature.


    Neutral Current

    Neutral current is basically a zero sequence current. It is an undesired current which arises out of unbalanced loads. Ideally it should be zero.

    Due to the unbalanced loads on the LT distribution transformer, neutral recieves some voltage and current and it damages the electrical appliances connected in single phase supply system. To avoid this neutral wire is earthed at the distribution transformer it self, so that any excessive current and voltage will be returned to the earth pit, and no resultant voltage will be present in the neutral wire

    Blog Draft

    Energy monitoring in general is critical. Paraphrasing Peter Drucker:If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” If you don’t measure, then how do you know how you are doing? Real-time monitoring takes things a step further, allowing facility managers and operators to begin a shift from a long reactive cycle to a much shorter reactive cycle toward being proactive.

    Making smart energy decisions based on conditions in the past is difficult and expensive, given that energy has been wasted for the entirety of the reactive period. Real-time monitoring allows facility managers to better manage and analyze the vast amount of data being gathered from their buildings and point out where inefficiencies are occurring – shortening the reactive period significantly and saving significant amounts of energy. Using data available in real time enables facility managers to adjust HVAC, lighting, electrical distribution systems and other systems based on information gleaned from the system. Users can, at a glance, see system level inefficiencies and pivot operations quickly to reduce energy use. Schneider Electric’s energy and systems monitoring software can also be used to compare day-to-day usage to accurately forecast energy consumption. This can help ensure that real time adjustments of the systems are having the desired effect and help further influence behavioral changes over time. The data is presented in a way that’s easy-to-use and digest through interactive graphs, modules and comparisons, helping facility managers avoid data overload.

    Unbalancd load

    What is Load Balancing:

    In a balanced system, the total active/reactive/apparent powers are simply the sum of their respective phase powers. In simple words, Power delivered to your premises is ideal and 100% efficient with no losses. Phase balancing is very important and usable to reduce distribution feeder losses and Improve system stability and security.

    In General, three-phase load balance is the ideal situation for any Electrical system. It determines the quality of delivered Electrical Power. However, unbalanced may makes worse effect on Power quality of Electrical Power at distribution level.
    The voltages are quite well balanced from the source which is the Electricity board. But, the voltages levels in your premise can become unbalanced due to the unequal system impedance, the unequal distribution of single phase loads, asymmetrical three-phase equipment and devices, unbalanced faults, damaged wiring, Harmonics, Loose Neutral Line, Overloaded wire.

    Unbalanced Load Effects:
    • Increases the neutral flow and leads to power loss.
    • Causes difference in Voltage across the individual phases.
    • Can damage equipment due to voltage drop.
    • Wiring damage (Copper loss) due to excessive current on a phase.
    • Neutral line may not handle large currents and can lead to accidents

    The higher the voltage unbalance, the greater its impact on Electrical Grids Power Quality. The current unbalance is several times the level of voltage unbalance. Such an unbalance in the currents can lead to excessive line losses, losses in the stator and rotor of Motor, Malfunctioning of Relay, unsymmetrical measuring of Meters. Voltage unbalance also has an impact on ac variable speed drive systems where the front end converter consists of three-phase rectifier systems

    Advantages of load balancing:
    • Reduces neutral back flow saving on the power wastage.
    • Stable Voltage levels on Individual phases.
    • Reduces equipment damage.
    • Longer wire Life.

    Prevent Fire and other accidents – Neutral line may not handle large currents and can lead to accidents.
    Check out how much Neutral current is going through your system.Neutral Current Calculator. When an electrical load consumes a different amount of electrical current in each phase, it is called an Unbalanced Load.
    The main properties or characteristics of an Unbalance load are,

    1. It consumes unequal current in each phase.
    2. It causes to make voltage imbalance in a circuit.
    3. It causes to flow leakage currents.

    Unbalance Load Example: Faulty Three-phase motors(one or two winding burned), faulty three-phase heaters are the example of Unbalance Load.

    Reverse Supply

    Reverse Supply also known as Backfeeding may occur when the power provided by the electrical generator is able to flow over the electrical service line. Because an electrical transformer is capable of operating in both directions, electrical power generated from equipment on the consumer’s premises can backfeed through the transformer and energize the distribution line to which the transformer is connected.

    Backfeeding occurs when electric power is being induced into the local power grid. Power flows in the opposite direction from its usual flow. An alternating current (AC) power station typically delivers power to the power grid by inducing a current to flow into the power grid when the voltage is positive, and inducing it to flow out of the power grid when the voltage is negative, and a typical power grid load (e.g. factory or home) induces current to flow out of the power grid when the voltage is positive and into the power grid when the voltage is negative. If either of these types of facilities starts inducing current like the other, then backfeeding is occurring. Generators that are backfeeding pumping energy into the grid making it available for all to use.

    A power station will typically backfeed when it is shut down, due to local loads (e.g. lights or repair equipment). A power grid load may backfeed if it has distributed generation installed, such as a grid-connected photovoltaic solar power system or a microturbine-based power generator.
