Solar Net Metering

Solar net metering is a billing arrangement that allows solar energy system owners to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid. It is a mechanism that encourages the adoption of renewable energy and promotes the use of solar power.
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Machine efficiency

Machine efficiency refers to the ability of a machine or a system to convert input energy or resources into useful output with minimal waste or loss. It is an essential concept in various fields, including manufacturing, engineering, energy production, and technology.
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PF Impact Part1:- Loss of Units

Loss of units is the difference between the input and output power of a device, apparatus, pump set, or process. With electrical and electronic devices, as well as pumps, apparatuses and processes, this undesirable loss is converted into heat
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Phase Rotation

Phase rotation, also known as phase sequence, refers to the order in which the voltage waveforms of a three-phase electrical system reach their peak values. In a three-phase system, there are three separate voltage waveforms that are 120 degrees out of phase with each other. The order in which these waveforms reach their maximum values determines the phase rotation of the system.
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Leading and Lagging Reactive Energy

Reactive power is the power that flows back and forth between the electrical system and reactive elements such as inductors and capacitors. It is measured in volt-amperes reactive (VAR). When the reactive power leads the voltage waveform, it is called leading reactive power, and when it lags the voltage waveform, it is called lagging reactive power.
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Maximum Demand

Electricity tariffs are rising hence understanding your energy bill is the first step to control your energy use and reduce costs. There is often a figure shown as ‘Maximum demand’. What does it mean and why should you be interested?
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Swell Voltage

Electricity is an integral part of our lives, and we rely on it for everything from lighting our homes to powering our devices. However, there are times when the voltage levels in the electrical system can fluctuate, which can have significant impacts on our equipment and appliances. Two such voltage fluctuations are swell and sag voltage, which we will explore in this blog.
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Crest Factor

Crest factor is a term used to describe the ratio of the peak value of an electrical waveform to its effective value, which is also known as the root mean square (RMS) value. It is a measure of the shape of an electrical waveform and is used in many areas of electrical engineering and electronics. In this blog, we will explore what crest factor is, how it is calculated, and its significance in electrical systems.
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Phase Angle

Phase angle refers to the angular difference in degrees or radians between two alternating electrical quantities. It is commonly used to describe the relationship between voltage and current in AC circuits. In a sinusoidal AC circuit, the voltage and current waveform are typically out of phase with each other.
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